These designs were created for Save The Frogs!, a non profit organization that helps protect endangered species of frogs. The frogs that inspired these designs include the poison dart frog, northern leopard frog, and the red-eyed tree frog. All three are known for their distinct features and as natural predators of their ecosystem.
This set of greeting cards features 3 species of endangered frogs to help bring awareness to the non -profit, Save the Frogs! Each frog and their enviromental features were handcarved on lino and printed. The deisgns were then colorized digitally to emphasize the frogs’ beauty and uniqueness.The back of each card includes information on the frog and their importance.
These merchandise designs were created to bring awareness to the endangerment of these frogs. They include reusable water bottles and a tote bag to encourage reducing waste and support the mission of saving the frogs.
The focus of these posters is to bring awareness to the conditions that are endangering the frogs. The type emphasizes this from the frog’s point of view. Each frog is dissapearing off it’s poster, to emphasize their endangerment.